Parent Proclaimed Cutest Daughters You Ever Did See

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We Need Counseling

Aight, it's been a month, YEAH A MONTH since we've put a blog post up. No excuses though as we rage forward into 2011. You don't have to be reminded that working at Target during the month of December is a new level of insanity that most of you will never experience. We actually did take some pictures over the Christmas season so that we could capture the memories of V's first Christmas. You will notice that she's enraptured by her presents in the pictures below. Unwrapping presents is something she's definitely not enraptured with.

Here's the gig: We decided to only get V one or two things for her since she has no idea what's going on and can't unwrap a present to save her life. We figured she might get a couple things from her grandparents and some family. We also thought that these people would give us a freakin break and buy non noise making toys were sane. Anyway, she made out like a wild bandit and we have no clue where to store all these things so we had to buy a shed. It's all good because now I have somewhere to store my homebrew supplies.

So enjoy these pictures and now that the worst of the retail industry is over, please be patient as more posts are coming sooner than later:

Let's take a ride around the house while Mom is gone!

It took 8 hours to pry V out of Grandmas hands.

This was our Christmas breakfast: Waffles with raspberries, whipped cream and shaved orange spice truffles. AW YEAH BOY!

Here's V in her brand new Christmas dress!

We love our Christmas present!

Hottest. Woman. Ever. (maybe... we'll see how V looks in 20 years...)

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of the 3 beautiful women in your life, Jeremy.

    You are definitely a lucky man!
