Parent Proclaimed Cutest Daughters You Ever Did See

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Conversations With No One

That's right folks, we're there: The esteemed conversations with no one. If you have kids, you know what I'm talking about but for those without child allow me to enlighten you. V walks around the house and talks to anyone that will listen: The dog, the cat, curtains, couches, bananas, anything she comes in contact with on a daily basis. We've noticed that she is REALLY trying sometimes to communicate but we are unable (at this time) to discern what she's actually saying. First time you listen, it sounds like it's an old South American dialect but if you're using your mutant powers you'll notice that it's actually more of a Mayan or Incan origin. Naturally, you've got to have a keen ear and excellent typing skills to come up with something like this.

We're enjoying it though, because we get to translate what she says to each other. It usually ends up with April translating something like "I want MOMMY to hold me!" and I end up translating it to "I want MOMMY to change me!" We both grew up in different states so our translations can get confused from time to time. She's growing up like crazy now which gives us the opportunity to have great laughs at her expense. Falling down and causing self inflicted pain are just a couple of the many things that make this awkward toddler stage fun. Makes us look forward to the teenage years. Here are some pictures to prove that we haven't stopped taking pictures of our child:


Yes we endangered our child's life here. No safety net! Good job V!

We told V how much money college was going to cost and we got this look.

Then we told her to practice begging for college money and we got this.

Us: Vivian, do your impression of a toddler teething... Uh... OK quit that...

Now that's a picture!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Action Shots

Right now V is walking everywhere. Literally everywhere. She's taking some spills that are naturally associated with learning to walk but hasn't yet broken any bones. Luckily April works in the medical field so she knows what to panic about and what to spit on, rub some dirt and get back on the field. One thing we're noticing now is that her personality is starting to develop. I can sense an entire blogpost dedicated to aspiring "personality" coming in the very near future.

April is always telling me to post more action shots of V. Then when I ask how many "Action Orientated" pictures she's taking whilst I've been working 10-hour days for three days and she's been home alone with the kid, I get slapped she's got nothing! So I took the liberty of digging out some pictures we've taken just in the last month that show ACTION! You won't believe the ACTION in these ACTION shots:

This is an awesome picture of ACTION! Or the opposite...

$600 of toys is nothing compared to the ACTION in a huge freaking box.

We're in the "I'm naked and loving it!" ACTION phase.

Mini ACTION photo shoot outside on the one nice day we've had so far.

She's already Feng Shuiing the ACTION furniture outside.

April says "You never post the cute ones." Well she said "That one's cute!" while I was looking at it so HERE YA GO!