Parent Proclaimed Cutest Daughters You Ever Did See

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hockey Rocks

So last month we went to a hockey game and got to have an amazing experience. Last month you say? Yeah I forgot about it until now because I'm too busy writing about kids and wives and blah blah blah. No this post isn't about the kid either. Ya know what? March is OUR month so BACK OFF! Can't we have one month without Kid pictures, especially since next month is her birthday and you'll get millions? Yeah, yeah... I know, you want V. Next month, I promise that you'll get tons of Kid pictures.

We walk into this minor league hockey game in Kent and 8 seconds after we get in, a guy comes up and asks if we want to be part of the intermission entertainment. After considering the safety and legal ramifications of such a crazy endeavor, we ask what we're going to do. He says "Ride tricycles." We decided that they were going to have to pay us first said "HECK YEAH!" So they give us instructions and we tell no one else in our group. So just before the first intermission we head down to the floor. They give us helmets, we sign damage waivers, meet our competition, get a run through of the course and then get lead out to the ice. The fans scream their delight as they've never seen two more attractive people grace the ice as we. Below is a frame by frame remake of the carnal thrashing that we laid upon the mortals that challenged us:

This guy asks me if I think we're going to win. I ask him "Is Jeremy sarcastic?" He agrees that we're going to win pretty soundly.

The picture is blurry because April is breaking the sound barrier.

She's smiling because she smells the Wing Dome buffalo wings we're going to win in approximately 2.74 minutes.

The bird kicks the cone out of my way. We're so fast that I have time to get off my trike, punch him out and I'm still ahead.

As I cross the finish line victoriously, April runs into my arms and kisses me maniacally. This is the typical response from her after I do anything insane.

As we accept our reward, the bird comes back for revenge. I won't show you the pictures but April totally Crane kicks him into next week.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Dawn of a New Era

Tomorrow is the day. It is the day to which all women are measured. The pinnacle of life on this planet for the female gender. Yes friends, it's April's 29th Birthday! What does that mean? It means the beginning of the end! You will never know her age again unless you start keeping track of it. As your personal friend and informant, I am telling you this so that you will be able to give her a hard time in 10 years when it's the 10th anniversary of her 29th birthday. Then you can start making over the hill jokes ya'll! To commemorate the occasion, I give you some of her greatest hits from the first 29 years (or at least the last couple):

2007: We love each other!

2008: April like's showing off her booty to everyone.

2009: She's practicing dress-up for V in a couple years.

2010: There's our kids and we're just getting started.

2010: After kid, looking extremely white and enjoying the outdoors.

2011: April CAN get tanned and as she ages, keeps getting more beautiful.