Parent Proclaimed Cutest Daughters You Ever Did See

Friday, August 26, 2011


V sure does some crazy stuff every now and then. Just when you think it's not going to get any weirder, you say "Yooooooooo!" and she repeats it just about 47 times cuter. I'm always curious what goes on in her head. I'm actually not entirely sure what the processor speed is of her brain but it's always fun when she has to take 5-10 seconds to answer a question or react to some kind of stimuli.

Take yesterday for instance: We're sitting down to eat dinner after our 10 hour days have concluded. This usually entails an elaborate five course meal complete with mixed drinks and a mariachi band frozen pizza. V had already eaten her dinner because she gets antsy while we cook. We made spaghetti (the quick version) and sat down to eat while V was in the living room playing with her car. April & I prayed together and we started eating. V comes running into the room saying "Sit! Sit!" This is Toddler for "I want to get in my highchair and eat too." She'd just ate but we figure we'll give it the ole college try. We get her in the highchair and pull her up next to the table and she holds out her hands to her sides and says "AMEN."

This wasn't the first time she's said "Amen" but it was the first time she'd ever instigated a prayer so blatantly. April & I hold hands at our house when we pray so now it's customary for us to hold V's hands while we pray. I have to admit I had to hold back a tear. She knows that she's part of our family and that when we pray it's something that she wants to do with us. What else do you want? Pictures... yeah I know. All ya'll want pictures. Here's some good ones:

Dad let her eat some whipped cream in a cup unattended. Never again.

Puzzles are not exactly V's forte but we're working on it.

Dad doesn't go to the optometrist any more, we've got one in house.

Petting bunnies is just as cool as petting goats!

Aunt Karina is one of a select few that can make V smile.

But the biggest smiles always come from Mommy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Best Weekend... Yet

Best Weekend... Yet™. It's Trademarked now so you can't take it. I know it's something that you all wanted but it's not like I didn't give you time to Trademark it yourself. It wasn't even this last weekend! It was in July so you had a whole lotta time to do it. Here's the deal, we went to the zoo with a one year old. Not exactly the greatest idea in the world but it worked. V was great! She had a great time with the animals, pointing at them or mimicking their sounds. She liked the goats because she can pet them and they smelled like her dirty diapers. I would imagine that she's already forgotten it but we'll remember it for a long time.

Then we went for a walk on the beach and she enjoyed that too. We walked along the shore, got popsicles and then played with the rocks on the beach. V was having a great time throwing rocks and running away from the water. We had a lot of fun. There's a lot of things that have happened since the last blog post so I'll probably do a couple more here in the next few days to catch up. Check these pictures out and get back to me.

Dad: Look at the monkey V! Do you see it V?
V: Yeah, Dad, I saw it the first 80 times you pointed at it.

V: This starfish is stuck to the tank so I can't eat it. Someone help me!

V: Are you telling me this is what a goat feels like? He needs to be brushed.

V: That's much better. We should get a goat for ourselves!
Mom: We've already got a Sophie and that's "goat" enough for me!

 V: At the beach with Mom is the coolest!

V: Our beach day is done. With the wind at our back... It's time for a nap!