Parent Proclaimed Cutest Daughters You Ever Did See

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Seven Weeks

Yes friends, that's how long we've had J in our lives and she's done something that V didn't do until she three months old. Was it brushing her gums? Projectile spit up? Not even close. She smiled. I know what you're thinking. "She totally has gas." I would've believed you a week ago but she's been smiling for days now. This new development has us thinking that if she's already a month ahead of V's timeline AND the fact that she was two weeks early: She's a child prodigy. Everyone thinks their child is insanely smarter than everyone else's, but when's the last time you saw a kid actually smile like they're having a good time AT SEVEN WEEKS? Yup, never. Told you.

This has got me thinking that if she's already smiling she should be potty trained around a year old. Also, thanks to her being born August 31st instead of September 1st, we should have no trouble getting to kid retirement early. Isn't that really everyone's goal? Even the people with 4-5 kids, they all are looking forward to one thing: Grandkids. Of course, not sooner in most cases but later. Much later in my case since mine won't be dating until they're 35.

So here are some new pictures of J in her finest moments. No smiles though, ya'll have to come back next time. Trust me, it's hard to capture smiles because that kid is a child prodigy and knows when to stop smiling because we're using a slower shutter speed. Curses modern technology! Have fun:

V: J loves me! She lets me hold her and we have so much fun!

J: Yes, as true as I wring my hands soon I will rule her world 

We tried to get all the kids together for a picture. This was the best one.

Actually this was the best one.

When J wants food, she's pretty obvious about it.

I know ya'll like the cute ones so here ya go.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely "star" material. They girls are going to be smart and famous!
